Company Profile
The company “HAGOWI- Signierwerkzeuge” was established in 1985 and renamed “HAGOWI- Signierwerkzeug GmbH” in 1987 due to an alterration into a limited liability company. Within these years the “HAGOWI GmbH” has developed into an efficient supplier in the field of product marking due to ist innovative versatility. Users of almost all areas like car manufacture, steelworks, mehanical engineering, metal- and plastic- processing, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, food- manufacture, electrical industry, wood- processing industry and other fall back on our versatile products. Decades of experiences allow us to offer a considerable range of products menawhile. Most modern CNC- machines in the department for production, engravings and wire- eroding are responsible for the very highest precision. The administration equipped with modern communication allows a smooth handling of the commercial fileld as well as the shipping Foreign agencies in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Saudi- Arabia and Pakistan guarantee contact promixity. Best greetings from Leichlingen and we hope you enjoy regarding our websites.